Rules and Regulations of the Professors of Pharmacy Award

    1. Nagroda Profesorów Farmacji jest przyznawana dwa razy w roku, w czterech kategoriach:
      Category 1: Medicines and products of natural origin
      Category 2: Dermocosmetics and cosmeceuticals
      Category 3: Medical Devices of all classes
      Category 4: Dietary supplements
    2. The "Professors of Pharmacy Award" emblem shall be awarded by the Pharmacy Expert Panel on the basis of materials submitted by the manufacturer or distributor of the product, together with an application form for assessment. Nagroda jest przyznawana w przypadku uzyskania większości zwykłej głosów.
    3. The Pharmacy Expert Panel shall be appointed for a fixed term and will evaluate the submitted products in two sessions during the year: in autumn 2023 and in January 2024.
    4. Zespół Ekspertów Farmacji tworzą: prof.  Magdalena Bujalska-Zadrożny, prof. Wojciech Kamysz, prof. Paweł Szymański.
    5. Paweł Kruś, the originator of the Award, shall participate in the proceedings of the Pharmacy Experts Panel, with no right to vote.
    6. The Winners will be allowed to display the information that their product was granted the Award, without any limitations as to the fields of exploitation, in Polish and/or English language versions, for the period of 1-3 years, provided that the Licence Agreement has been signed and the relevant fees paid.
    7. The rules for using the Award marks shall be the following*:
      a) In the first year following the positive opinion of the Pharmacy Expert Panel, the Award Winner can use the “PROFESSORS OF PHARMACY AWARD” mark in their promotional campaigns, in Polish and/or English.
      b) In the second year following the positive opinion of the Pharmacy Expert Nagrody za akcje profilaktyczne i opiekę farmaceutyczną w aptekach o zasięgu lokalnym, regionalnym i ogólnopolskimPanel, the Award Winner can use two marks: “PROFESSORS OF PHARMACY AWARD” and “PROFESSORS OF PHARMACY GOLD MEDAL”.
      c) In the third year following the positive verdict, the Award Winner can additionally use the “GOLDEN LAUREL OF PROFESSORS OF PHARMACY” mark.
    8. Wszyscy uczestnicy Zespołu Ekspertów Farmacji wymienieni w pkt. 4 niniejszego regulaminu, Paweł Kruś  oraz Organizator – Media TV Plus Sp. z o.o. zobowiązują się do zachowania w największej tajemnicy listy preparatów, którym nie zostanie przyznane prawo do Nagrody, gdyż sam fakt dobrowolnego zgłoszenia ich do oceny Zespołu Ekspertów Farmacji jest zjawiskiem pozytywnym. Po każdej sesji ocen lista produktów, które nie otrzymały prawa do używania znaku Nagrody zostanie zniszczona przez Organizatora najpóźniej w ciągu 7 dni.
    9. Neither the Expert Panel nor the Organizer shall provide anyone with information about the reasons for negative assessment of a preparation.
    10. A product which has not been granted the right to enter into a licence agreement to use the Award marks can be resubmitted for assessment of the Pharmacy Expert Panel provided that its composition or method of production have changed or new results of clinical trials have been published.
    11. The list of awarded preparations shall be published and presented regularly in the Internet at,,,
    12. If the “Pharmacy Professors Award” mark is used contrary to the Polish pharmaceutical, copyright or advertising laws, the right to use the Award mark may be revoked effective immediately. The decision of the Organizer - Media TV Plus Sp. z o.o. shall have power to revoke the right to use the “Pharmacy Professors Award” mark.
    13. The responsibilities of the Organizer - Media TV Plus Sp. z o.o. shall include the coordination of the work of the Pharmacy Expert Panel and the promotion of the Award.
    14. Manufacturers and distributors can voluntarily submit their products for assessment by the Pharmacy Expert Panel only after they accept in writing these Rules and Regulations and the “Terms and Conditions of Submission for the Pharmacy Professors Award”.

* The Pharmacy Professors Award verbal and graphic marks are protected by law and they cannot be legally used unless the applicable licence fees are paid.