
Pharmacology Professors' Award

The only award granted by pharmacology experts in Poland

Under the auspices of:

About the award

The Pharmacology Professors' Award was established in 2007 to promote knowledge about the nutritional and physiological properties of dietary supplements.
In 2023, the formula of the Pharmacology Professors' Award was extended. The award will be granted in the following categories:

  • Category 1: Medicines and products of natural origin
  • Category 2: Dermocosmetics and cosmeceuticals
  • Category 3: Medical Devices of all classes
  • Category 4: Dietary supplements

Expert team

Poznaj ekspertów Nagrody Profesorów Farmacji

Since 2012, she has been the head of the Department of Pharmacodynamics, and since 2023, the head of the Chair and Department of Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care at the Medical University of Warsaw.

In the years 2016-2020, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical University of Lódź for Pharmacy. Since 2018, professor of pharmaceutical sciences. From 2020, professor at the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Academic teacher, chemist, professor of pharmaceutical sciences, Medical University of Gdańsk

Objectives of awarding the Pharmacology Professors' Award:

  1. Rewarding the quality and innovation of products and promoting knowledge about their purpose and use.
  2. Appreciating socially important activities in pharmacies, for example pharmaceutical care and health education.

    We invite producers and exclusive distributors to submit their products for evaluation by the Team of Pharmaceutical Experts, which consists of: Prof. Magdalena Bujalska-Zadrożny, Prof. Wojciech Kamysz, Prof. Paweł Bartosz Szymański.

    We request that patient organisations, industry organisations and local government activists nominate pharmacies for the Pharmacology Professors' Award.

Through the right to use the logos of the Pharmacology Professors' Award, we distinguish products worth recommending

Rules for using award logos *

  • First year

    In the first year, after obtaining a positive opinion from the Team of Pharmacy Experts, the product may be promoted with the PHARMACOLOGY PROFESSORS' AWARD logo in the Polish and/or English version for a period of 1-3 years depending on the purchased licence.

  • Global reach

    The English version of the logo of the Pharmacology Professors' Award is protected by law worldwide (patent No. PPA R.288311), the "Pharmacology Professors’ Award" logo.

Session Winners

Assessment of Pharmacology Professors' Award

Zespół Ekspertów Nagrody Profesorów Farmacji już po raz dwudziesty trzeci podjął się oceny suplementów diety oraz pozostałych, notyfikowanych produktów z kategorii żywności prozdrowotnej zgłoszonych do konkursu. W XXIII edycji Nagrody Profesorów Farmacji został wyłoniony jeden finalista – preparat Ostropest PLAMISTy firmy Colfarm S.A. Zakłady Farmaceutyczne.

ElectroVit® to suplement diety, który pomaga uzupełnić elektrolity (sód, potas, chlorek, wapń i magnez)